Sunday, October 19, 2008

Fog, a shovel, and a cookie

Today began with a blanket of fog everywhere! We weren’t able to see a thing, except for the cars that we were passing at 60 miles per hour on a two-way road. So, I guess the only weather left to experience would be snow…please, please let it snow! Upon arrival at the baby home, our translator told us that we were going to get Bradyn’s passport picture taken today. She told the caregivers to prepare him for going outside, which meant several layers of clothing, a coat, a hat, and snow boots. (Keep in mind his feet never touched the ground, nor was there any snow considering it was 50 degrees outside). In addition to the many layers of clothing, his ensemble consisted of a plastic toy shovel in one hand and a zwieback cookie that was about the size of my arm in his other hand. Today’s visit was a difficult one for him. He wasn’t too happy to be leaving the baby home, even though we only had to walk 2 blocks to get his picture. Trying to get his picture was another feat in itself…he cried big crocodile tears the whole time. He didn’t want me to set him down in the chair, so I had to try and hide behind him so that I wouldn’t be in the picture. Despite the tears, his passport picture is awfully cute! Then we made the trek back to the baby home, where we tried to take off his coat, but we had to take the shovel and the cookie out of his hands…he didn’t like that. More crocodile tears. He didn’t want to be set down or held while sitting down…he only wanted Mommy to stand and hold him close. Every person that walked in to the room would set him off into fear and whimpering again upon which he would cling even tighter. The encouraging thing is that he clings to us, but our hearts break knowing that he is having a hard time understanding what is happening to him. The rest of our visit was spent rocking and soothing him, definitely no interest in playing. When it was time to go, we were able to go into the entry of his room and ask his caregivers some questions about his schedule, foods, naps, etc. While we were there, several little ones had to come and see who we were and say hello. Bradyn was upset when we returned him to the room, but he managed to go through his typical routine and walked over to sit on the bench where they take their shoes off. While he was heading over to the bench, he dropped the enormous cookie that he never took a bite of and quickly picked it up. He is so very precious. We learned that we will be returning again tomorrow and again on Wednesday…which we are so excited that we will have consistent days of seeing him. Our worry is that Wednesday will be the last time we see him before we pick him up the following Tuesday and that will be a long stretch of time. We know that final day will be full of tears. Now I’m off to take a bath and soak my arm muscles! So looking forward to tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

I'm sure this is hard on you guys seeing the tears, but I know he will soon understand, you will be forever his Mommy & Daddy, and he can once again smile those bid dimpled smiles.
It's too bad they have the long wait,. We are looking forward to the three of you returning home, we miss
you so much.
We'll keep you all in our prayers.
Love you Mom & Dad/Grandma & Grandpa

Amy said...

Great signs of attachment. And so good to finally meet you!! Thanks for all the tips today.

Carey and Norman said...

I agree with Amy that Brayden is already showing great signs for future attachment. I think having children more clingy and needing soothing is a good sign. It means that you will be able to comfort and rock him which helps greatly with attachment. I'm so pleased to see that he is already so fond of you guys!!

Enjoy your visits and we can't wait to read more!!

Marissa said...

Soon it will be Got-ya day!!! I'm so excited to see Bradyn and remember Tom and I are free babysitters... :)

Troy and Rachel said...

I think it's great that Bradyn allowed you to hold him so close and comfort him. Just remember that soon enough Bradyn will know only you and the past will be the past. You are both lucky to have found each other!

Anonymous said...

Imagine the guns you are going to have from snuggling with your little guy. We all know Mike could use the arm workout. Thinking of you guys....

Ryan and Ineke.

Anonymous said...

This might seem strange, but I love all of the photos -- even the ones with "crocodile tears". Those are REAL memories! That is so amazing that he has already bonded with you!!! He knows who his parents are already.

We can't wait for another update!!!
