Thursday, January 8, 2009

Crusty Nose

Well, I think we are finally getting over the cold. Bradyn's nose has stopped running, and now we have a crusty nose! I can also tell he is feeling better because today has been a day of pushing the envelope...he insists on testing me by doing the things he knows he's not supposed to. Today is my mom's birthday (Happy Birthday Mom), and Bradyn told her on the phone "Happ Btee"! Oh yes, so endearing and impressive, then he went back to throwing his food on the floor! I think he knows he can get away with anything, especially when he flashes that dimpled smile! Even while he is pushing the envelope, he is still such a good baby!! Mike and I are continually amazed by him!


Amy said...

Happy Crusty nose days, Brady! And Happy Birthday Heidi's mom!!

Anonymous said...

i bet that made mom so happy to here him say happy birthday he is so wounderful we llove all of you we are always happy to read brady up dates it makes are day love kevin shelia

Anonymous said...

Dear Brady,
Thank you for the wonderful birthday
wish. It was so cute, and thoroughly
enjoyed the time on skype tonight, I
only wish you could have heard us better. However we could hear you guys the whole time, and just watching Brady was worth every minute. So cute that he knows us and calls us Oomba & Oompa.
My birthday was a complete success, had everyone over and totally enjoyed the evening, as a matter of fact they all just left and it's midnight, that's why it took so long to check the blog....
Love you all & good night....
Oomba & Oompa Taresh
PS thanks Amy.....I follow your blog too, hope you get the call soon.......

Nicole Brueck said...

Glad the colds are leaving your house! Isn't it funny what they do to test us? Then they smile and all is forgiven....

Roger and Joanne said...

What an adorable picture. Those eyes are amazing. Ahhh...the testing...I'm not looking forward to that part, but I guess there's no escaping it.
