Monday, March 9, 2009

Thank Goodness for Girl Scouts...

Thank goodness for girl scouts because they deliver girl scout cookies and I consumed A LOT of them today! Why did I consume so many cookies? Stress!! Today was Bradyn's first day of daycare. I start back to work full time next week, but I wanted to slowly transition Bradyn into daycare this week. We went to daycare together and I played with him for about half an hour. He was doing great and having fun with his new friends and teacher. I went down to the office to pay and give him some independent time. When I came back he did great!! So, I figured, well, I will give him a little more time and I went out and sat in my car. I was probably gone for 15 minutes. When I came back in, I heard him crying. The teacher said that he noticed my purse was gone and he couldn't stop crying and looking for me. Yes, my heart broke! So, Bradyn and I returned home after our very short visit to the daycare. I know it will get easier for him as time goes by, but I wonder if it will get easier for me. The good news is that I know Bradyn is attaching to me, otherwise he wouldn't have been so upset. The bad news is that I will most likely gain a lot of weight from all those cookies!


Amy said...

You may be eating a lot of Girl Scout cookies, but I suspect you are also running them off chasing a little guy!

My heart broke reading about little Bradyn crying when he realized your purse was gone. Maybe you could leave a pretend purse with him? Although he may get wise to that...

Hi to Mike & Bradyn & mom. Thanks to all for your great messages!!

Shantelle said...

We have a great live-in nanny, but I still sneak out of the house by 5:30 am every work day so that I don't picture my girls crying for me as I leave. Kids recover within a few minutes after they realize mommy is gone. Moms, however, picture the cute little faces throughout the day and don't bounce back as quickly.

Anonymous said...

That is an adorable picture Of Brady, and yes my heart breaks too.
I wish we were closer so I could babysit, but he needs the time with the other kids too. He will adjust,
and so will Mama.......time heals all.
Love you all
Oomba & Oompa Taresh
Good luck Brady........

Anonymous said...

its very hard leaving them for the first time you will both do great.the day will go fast when you are at working he is so cute we love all of you kevin shelia

Nicole Brueck said...

Big Hugs! I started leaving Ryan at daycare 2 days a week at the beginning of the year. It does get better, but everyday I drop him off he still crys. My daycare said it takes 2-3 months for the crying to stop. I looked at it like this: each time I drop him off and then pick him back up, it builds more trust between the 2 of us. He knows I'll always be there.
Hope that helps. And yeah...Samoas work.

Roger and Joanne said...

Virtual hug! That must be hard to see them so upset thinking you've left. I'm sure it'll get easier, but in the meantime you've got Girl Scout cookies!

It's's all good.

Anonymous said...

It's true about the trust factor.. and it's true about kids recovering... keep telling yourself these things because it really doesn't get better for mom.. I have a theory about it being harder with adopted kids... but since I don't have any bio-kids I can't really know if it's true (I assume I'm wrong)... but it's one of the things that makes me feel better about it still being hard five years later. It's good for him to have time with other kids.. so hang in there.. while you might not ever feel great about it, you do get used to it and it becomes do-able for both of you..

Much love... a&j

Marissa said...

Apparantely no one informed you of this...
When you buy cookies for a good cause, you don't gain weight when you eat them!
Girl Scouts= Good Cause
Eating Cookies= No Weight Gain

Win Win!

Brady looks super handsome in this pic!