Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I always knew that Mike would make a wonderful father. Kids are always drawn to him! Now that he IS a father, he is everything I thought he would be AND more!! Brady adores him and gets so excited every time he sees him! In addition to having fun with Bradyn, he's also willing to get help out with the not so fun stuff! He changed 3 poopy diapers in one day and this was unsolicited from me! He helps with the meals and bathtime, too and always knows when Mama needs a few minutes to herself! Yep, Brady and Mama love our Mike!

We made our first road trip venture to meet aunts, uncles, and cousins! The 2 hour road trip there went smoothly. Then meeting my very large family went well! He was the center of attention and he absolutely loved the spotlight! We were worried that he would be overwhelmed and overstimulated, but he wasn't! The difficult part was the road trip home. He was great the first 15 minutes in the car and then screamed and cried the remaining hour and a half. We tried everything to console him, but it didn't work. When we were 15 minutes from home, he fell asleep. Needless to say Mike and I were the ones that were overwhelmed! When we got home, he had a big smile on his face and went and greeted all the animals, as if he hadn't cried for an hour and a half straight! All in all we were very pleased with the way the day went. I think he stole a few hearts that day!


Anonymous said...

we are happy we got to see all of you guys. brady is so cute we love him alot you and mike are perfect parents. love kevin shelia

Anonymous said...

Yes, Brady made a big hit with everyone......
It comes as no surprise that Mike is
a good father, we never had any doubts, as we never had any doubts about you being a good mother.....
You all three deserve all the happiness in the world, and I know
every day will only get better than the day before.....
We love all three of you very much,
keep up the good work.
Love you Mom & Dad/Grandma & Grandpa

Roger and Joanne said...

Hi Heidi,

That must have been very frustrating in the car. Just makes you wonder what in the heck was making him so upset for an hour and a half. Oh...to be a mind-reader (sometimes).
Sounds like you have a great man there!


Nicole Brueck said...

What a great dad! Our little guy can only for an hour in his car seat before he has a melt down. I think it is because they just aren't used to being restrained in cars.
He sure is a heart stealer that boy of yours!

Carey and Norman said...

Glad that Mike is enjoying fatherhood. I always enjoy watching Norman with the kids...there is something about a man who can get on a child's level and play with them. It is priceless!!

Amy said...

So good to hear that all is going well!! Mike and Brady look so cute together!!